Infor SunSystems Accounting

SunSystems is a widely used accounting and financial system that integrates all business management functions. SunSystems solutions have the ability to help organizations reach the next level.

Did you know that every organization should have a good accounting management system? Using a good system will be very beneficial to doing business because it will help you see income and expenses in a more detailed and overall way. Today, Triforce would like to recommend SunSystems solutions from Infor to organizations that are looking for accounting and finance programs. But first, let’s look at 4 things you should know before deciding to purchase a SunSystems accounting program.

Supports multiple currencies

The first point when talking about accounting system programs cannot be left out because in the accounting and financial fields, in the world without borders like today, documents must be managed and accounts recorded in many currencies. It is difficult if the system cannot manage various currencies or convert currencies automatically, and report on various currencies. SunSystems has a foreign exchange management system that has functions that help record data in unlimited currencies, store exchange rates, convert currencies automatically, generate reports, and calculate profits and losses that have not yet been recognized and automatically recorded in the accounts.

International financial reporting standards (IFRS9, IFRS17,…)

Financial and insurance businesses, including companies in the stock market, will need this solution because in a few years, everything will have to be standardized in financial reporting. If you don’t start studying and preparing yourself now, it might be too late. SunSystems supports accounting according to this international financial reporting standard. It can support more than one set of charts of accounts and accounting in more than one standard.

Reduce steps and data errors

Since it is a solution that helps reduce work steps and manual work, it means less errors that may occur and can close accounts faster. In addition, changes and corrections can be made at any time.

Easy to use

SunSystems is easily accessible, work anywhere, anytime, just have a smartphone, PC, tablet and internet! It also supports unlimited company work and is highly stable.


If you are interested in SunSystems solutions, contact Triforce at E-mail: In addition to accounting and financial programs, we also have other Infor solutions available. You can see more details on our website and social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you haven’t clicked follow yet, search now: Triforcegs. If you don’t like, be careful not to miss out on the trend!

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